
By definition, Hope is an optimistic state of mind that is based on an expectation of positive outcomes with respect to events and circumstances in one’s life or the world at large. I believe its true power, once the seed of Hope is planted, is Action.  I am fortunate and thankful to have experienced Hope in the midst of the devastating loss of my beautiful wife in the prime of her life. Fornuate to see Hope in my children’s faces, Hope in distressed individual’s eyes, and Hope amongst the forgotten segments of our communities. Hope holds a power that transcends race, gender, nationality, and circumstances. Hope exerts its will to create and spread lasting change and make no mistake, Hope is contagious. My Hope is that by creating Wellness Communities through Sidecar, that one life, one story is changed for the better, perhaps a beautiful life is lived to its fullest and each of us is given the opportunity to be appreciated for our unique purpose. Lets Hope, Lets Act, together!

“Do not allow circumstances or challenges or other people to limit your potential in any way. The only limitations you have are your dreams, inspired by your Hope.”

Patricia Philipp

Daniel Philipp

Chief Community Officer

Our mission

Sidecar creates Wellness Communities that deliver mental and physical health, nutrition, and wellness literacy, in order to help educators, administrators, and communities achieve improved educational, social and life outcomes.

Our approach

Sidecar leverages Public-Private Partnerships utilizing Connected Wellness Learning environments that are socially oriented, trauma-sensitive, forward-thinking, and focused on equality in education and economic opportunity.

Our Passion

Sidecar is passionate about championing Wellness Literacy by creating Wellness Communities. Communities that are accessible, multi-faceted, and inclusive. Communities that engage key educational, community, and private sector stakeholders.